On July 5, three boiler steam drums and air preheaters were hoisted for TPIPP 3X160TPH RDF Boiler Island in Thailand, which was undertaken by CNEEC. The successful hoisting of three large equipment of the project marks an initial achievement in boiler installation.
This is a project undertaken by CNEEC in its strategic shift from traditional thermal power to green, clean, and low-carbon renewable energy. This is also a classic project under progressive development by the company. Equipped with three 15.4Mpa, 540℃, and single-reheat circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers for complete combustion of refuse-derived fuel (RDF), this is the world’s first high-parameter waste-to-energy project.
The rated evaporation of one boiler is 160 tons per hour. With a work stress of 16.7MPa. the steam drum uses 13MnNiMoR materials. The diameter is 1.958 meters and the full length is 12.034 meters. The elevation of the installation center is 59.750 meters. The steam drum weighs 59.425 tons. The boiler uses external finned-tube air preheaters, which heat air with boiler feed water. Every boiler is equipped with one primary air preheater and one secondary air preheater on its left and right sides. It was installed on a platform of 18.000 meters. The primary air preheater and secondary air preheater weigh 55.194 tons and 39.401 tons, respectively.
To ensure a successful operation, the project team actively communicated and coordinated with owners, supervisors, constructors, manufacturers, and other interested parties before the hoisting began. The team worked out the hoisting plan after repeated deliberation, conducted joint inspections, and provided complete and detailed safety, quality, and technology information for operators. During the operation, all team members worked as one in their position to make the hoisting a success.
The successful completion of this milestone has laid a solid foundation for follow-up boiler hydro testing, auxiliary equipment installation, and unit debugging. The project team will face difficulties head on, carefully prepare for future work, and accomplish target tasks for all milestones of the project, contributing to the company’s development by leaps and bounds in the Thai market.
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